Live feed and lap times kiosks information:
eScore can provide a limited number of live timing and scoring monitors in the pits at all events we attend. These monitors show what race is on the track at that time as well as all positions and the fastest lap time on the track for the current race that is out. Its a great way to keep up with what race is on the track and what position your riders are in. The picture at the bottom of this page is a sample of what the screen looks like during a race. After the first lap is complete the Dunlop logo is replaced with the fastest lap time on the track for the remainder of the current race.
We can also put our lap times kiosks in almost any vendor area to bring great numbers of potential customers into your vending area. The kiosks are used by the majority of racers to get their lap times from racing and practice. This will ensure that you will get at least half of all racers and or some one from their pits in your vending area! At most events we get closer to 75% of all racers getting laptimes. The fees for these services are outlined below. We will exchange merchandise for these services in some cases. Please add %25 to the prices listed below to do a merchandise exchange.
Live feed:
Week long events with advanced notice _______$400
Week long events at the track _______________$500
Weekend events with advanced notice ________$300
Weekend events at the track ________________$400
Lap times kiosk:
Week long events with advanced notice _______$800
Week long events at the track _______________$1,000
Weekend events with advanced notice ________$500
Wekend events at the track _________________$750