Arenacross Info:
The MYLAPS transponders will be used to score all classes on Pro race days at Arenacross this season. At the final round in Las Vegas all classes will use transponders for scoring. All of these events will follow the same procedure for a racer to receive a transponder described on this page. A racer only needs one transponder no matter how many classes the racer is in. Transponders can not be shared between racers. If you own your own transponder you may use it but you must provide the number to eScore when you go through sign up.
Obtaining a Transponder:
Each racer will need a transponder. Transponders will be available for racers to pick up at the event only. There will be no transponders available online prior to the event. To receive a transponder for the event, you must provide a valid credit card or a $100 cash deposit. If a card is used eScore will take an imprint of the card to put on file. In the event any of the transponders on the credit card slip are not returned before the last day of the event eScore will charge the card $100 for each transponder that is not returned. There will be enough transponders at the track for all racers. The eScore staff will be in the registration area any time that registration is open to get a transponder.
Credential Holders:
All credential holders will receive a transponder and a charging kit that they can use for the entire season. These racers are responsible for maintaining and charging their own transponders. Credential holders will have to provide and maintain a valid credit card throughout the entire season in the same manner as described above. Credential holder transponders can be returned at any event to eScore. If a racer unexpectedly drops out of the series the transponder can be mailed back to eScore following the directions on the transponder returns page on our website. If a credential holder fails to charge thier transponder they will be charged $50 to use a loaner transponder for that day. This transponder must be returned at the end of that race day.