Returning a transponder after the event

eScore will give a refund to any racer who forgets to return a transponder after an event. Send all transponders to the address below. Do not require a signature as we are often out of our office at other events and unable to sign for packages. All unreturned transponders must be mailed back to us. We cannot accept any returns at an event that were not from that event.

Please include the transponder, mounting clip, and all charging equipment you received with it. Charging equipment only applies to week long events where it was handed out.

Be sure to include a note with the rider name, and the event attended. Also the name and address you want the check sent to if your deposit was cash. If you do not include a note an extra $5 fee will be added for us to determine where the transponder was used and who to refund. If we can not determine this your refund will be forfeited.

When the transponder is received eScore will issue a check for the appropriate amount depending on the time elapsed since the rental occurred. A $10 fee will be assessed for each Monday after the completion of an event. If you send the transponder on Monday you will still loose that $10. We need these transponders to score other events so please get them sent out ASAP. The minimum refund is $50. Maximum is $90. If a credit card was used for payment we will refund the card. All cash deposits are are by check. **If your transponder was kept from the previous race season and the transponder does not have an activation you will only get a $30 refund.

Please be aware that we do score multiple series and events. At times we will not be in the office for up to 6 weeks at a time. In this case you may not see a refund check until we return to the office to process your request.

Please send your transponders to:

523 Westland Rd.
Hickory PA 15340