The MYLAPS transponders will be used to score all classes at the AMA Arenacross Championship this season. All of these events will follow the same procedure for a racer to receive a transponder described on this page. A racer only needs one transponder no matter how many classes the racer is in. Transponders can not be shared between racers. If you own your own transponder you may use it but you must provide the number to eScore when you go through sign up.

Obtaining a Transponder:

A racer only needs one transponder no matter how many classes the racer is in. Transponders can not be shared between racers. Each time your transponder passes over the finish line, the scoring software will know exactly who you are, what position you are in, and what your lap time is. Each transponder requires the racer to leave $125 for a cash transaction. When the transponder is returned at the end of racing you will receive $100 back. If you use a credit card, your card will be charged $35 up front. If you do not return the transponder at the end of the event you will then be charged an additional $100.** all credit card transactions must be completed at this link before coming to the signup for pickup!!** The rental transponder must be returned at the event. eScore will be open at the same time as registration starts each day of signup for transponders to be rented. We will close the lap times kiosk and windows 1 hour after racing each day. If you want your lap times or wish to return you transponder please do so within these times.

Purchasing a transponder:

eScore will have a limited number of transponders available for purchase at the event for $125 cash and $135 credit. We rarely run out of transponders for sale but it is possible. All transponders received from eScore will expire one year from the day they are activated. At this time the transponder can be reactivated by connecting the transponder to a phone via Bluetooth and using the speed hive app. More info on this can be found here. Links to purchase transponders can also be found on the eScore home page.

Lap times

Lap times will be available for print at all Kicker Arenacross events. Any racer can use this service for a $5 fee. There will be a touch screen kiosk at the eScore trailer that you can enter your transponder number into. The computer will search our system and print the lap times for that transponder number as well as any other transponder that was on the track at that time. For practice you will get the lap times for your transponder as well as every one else that was in the practice group you were in. If your practice was split into groups you will only get the group you were on the track for. For racing you will get every class you are signed up for. If there was more than one division you will want to wait for all divisions to be complete so you get the times for all of them. The kiosk will only print each sheet one time. If some one else enters your transponder number you will not be able to print your times again. Knowing this please do not enter any one else's number or try to guess your own number as you may accidentally cause problems for some one else.